Monday, October 31, 2016

Triple the Birthdays Equal Triple the Fun (7th August, 2014, 9:24am, São Paulo)

7th August, 9:24am

I keep getting distracted by things before I can finish each story…maybe if I didn’t write as much about each thing? But where is the fun in that? And there is so much to write about and so much I am leaving out for one reason or another. But back to the waterfall from two days ago…
When the water is higher, the waterfall comes further out and the guide can take the boat behind the waterfall. That would be really cool, but since the water was so low, we had to make due with the photos in front of the fall.

The big waterfall

The other two guys on our tour went first for the photo op – sitting on the front of the boat, waterfall behind them, the boat swayed and rocked....until they were below the water and getting SOAKED – they had no idea it was going to happen. 

We were next.

Before getting soaked 
We knew it was coming and in all the photos we have of us, I have a smile on my face, like everyone else, but unlike everyone else I have a look of prepared anticipation – “Oh, shit! It’s coming!” It was fun though and my parents were surprised at how cold the water was. 

After the photo series, it was on to the last waterfall and attraction of the tour.

The final waterfall was another hike up rocks, this time there were a few stairs and a rope to hold onto, but immediately down from where we were walking were large rocks. The hike up was a little unnerving, but I love that adrenaline rush and would periodically look over the edge, just to get my heart racing.

The hike was well worth it. Out of everything we had seen that day, this was the most beautiful. It was a lower waterfall and not as thunderous as the first. It flowed into a large round pool that was completely clear to the bottom; yellow around the edges where the rocks flirted with the surface of the water, and a stunning turquoise at the deepest depths of the pool. The water was also cold here and within moments, Natalia was diving into the water. After a few moments of deliberation, I jumped in after her.

Me diving into the water after Natalia

Hanging out under the waterfall

The water was crystal-clear and we could see the black and yellow tadpoles darting across our feet. She swam under the waterfall and thrust her head back again, allowing the water to flow through her hair and down her back. She exclaimed how good it felt and encouraged me to do the same. The water was cool and the scenery was gorgeous; it was unreal. We floated and swam around a bit more, then it was time to go.

Our tour had come to a close and as we jetted back to the pier, I looked at the beautiful scenery around me, wondering when I would see it again.

Post-adventure chowing down
All of our jumping in the cold water worked up a crazy-strong appetite for both me and Natalia. Luckily, the restaurant that was right there had AMAZING food – particularly the fish – or so Natalia and her uncle told us. We ordered the tilapia and another type of fish that we don’t have in the United States (or at least I had never seen or heard of it before). Everything, of course, came with rice and a few other side dishes. The food was delicious and hanging out with Natalia’s uncle was so much fun. Even though he doesn’t speak any English, we still found ways to joke around and all make each other laugh. For example (and I am laughing as I am writing this), the one type of fish was served with the head on the plate and when we were done eating, he and my dad took the head and put a French fry in the mouth, exclaiming “Não fumar” (“no smoking”). Maybe it was the giddiness from being on vacation, or maybe we were drunk on sunshine, but it was hilarious at the time – definitely a “had to be there” moment. But with that being said, it was a moment where you share a moment with someone and you just have a connection, which results in lasting a bond – language differences aside.

 “Não fumar!!!!”

On the trip back to the apartment, we drove over the dam that I talked about earlier. While I found some things that they talked about a bit of a concern (as I mentioned earlier), seeing something so spectacular and knowing that it was man-made was extraordinarily impressive.

Just beyond the dam was a fish farm where we were told they raised fish that were being disrupted by the dam. I am not sure of any further details on that, although I am curious.
I should mention that it is now 8/8/2014 and almost midnight – I am far behind on all of this. I am on the flight back home…so far behind.

But back to the day at Natalia’s party...

After the dam, we went back to her grandmother’s apartment and crashed.

I was fully intending to write, but I laid down, face-first, on my bed, legs hanging off of the edge and fell asleep for a few hours. I vaguely remember my mom coming in to give me my cleaned laundry, but was awoken by her voice talking to some of Natalia’s relatives in broken Portuguese, and was really confused by the pile of clothes I was now sleeping on top of. I brushed off my sleepiness and finally took off my bikini and wet clothes so I could shower and prepare for the “triple” birthday party.

Due to the ratio of people to vehicles, we were the first people taken to the party and were introduced to everyone, literally everyone, as they came into the party – from family members to co-workers that I am still not sure if they knew Natalia or not.

As I keep saying, it was a “triple” birthday party. “Triple” because it was to celebrate birthdays for three people – Natalia, her uncle and my mom. And what a party! Lots of people, food, drinks, and of course, laughs. Any time someone’s beer was getting low, someone else from the table would refill for everyone – solicited or not.

Natalia eating some of the chocolate off of the birthday cake

Food was never low – “Japanese peanuts” (peanuts with a candy-type of coating) were refilled as soon as someone at the last one in the bowl, bowls and bowls appeared out of nowhere.  I'm not sure where everything was coming from as it all just seemed to appear.  

Natalia's aunt and guests
The atmosphere remained jovial all night, with people telling stories, laughing and just having a good time. All of this was facilitated by Natalia’s aunt, who was the epitome of hostess, chatting with every table, sourcing the bowls and refilling drinks, all with a hearty laugh and infectious smile.

The party was filled with moments that made the evening truly special, ranging from Natalia’s paternal grandmother passing out coconut candy to everyone (winking at me as she started to go by me, then stopped to give me a handful that I still have in my purse); to when I was getting a drink and the same grandmother winked at me as she started pouring herself a strong, stiff drink on the rocks, half talking to me and herself about “bebes”; to when my mom grabbed hands with everyone in the room and started dancing to the classic love songs from the jukebox (to which a tipsy Natalia couldn’t stop giggling about how “We never do this here! Never!”).

Group dance, facilitated by my mom - "We never do this here! Never!" (Natalia)

But out of all those moments, my favorite was when we were waiting for our taxi when we were leaving the bar her cousin was playing at (we went to a bar after the party), and she told me that this was one of her best birthdays ever. I know how true that was and how important of a relationship we all have with one another. It is a relationship and bond that I am extremely grateful for.

The next morning we were to leave for São Paulo and say goodbye to all of those wonderful people. I am sad to say “goodbye”, but I can feel in my heart that it won’t be as long before we see each other again.

The ride to São Paulo was rather uneventful – I spent most of it writing in this journal while the other people dozed.

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